Consulate of Peru in Arica

Information about the Peru Consulate located in Arica, opening hours, contact information, location and frequently asked questions about this Consulate in Arica

Office Consulate of Peru in Arica
Location Gral. Pedro Lagos Marchant 509, 1000558 Arica, Arica y Parinacota, Chile
Phone +56582231020


The hours of the Peru Consulate in the Arica are as follows:



The address of the Peru Consulate in Arica is located on Gral. Pedro Lagos Marchant 509, 1000558 Arica, Arica y Parinacota, Chile.

Do you need GPS coordinates to go to the Consulate of Peru in Arica?
Latitude: -184,799,616 | Longitude: -703,159,676

Frequent questions

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about requesting an appointment at the Peru in Arica.

What is the phone number?

To contact, request an appointment or request information you must call the phone number +56582231020.

How to make an appointment online?

From the official website of the Peru Consulate in Arica, or by clicking here.

Consular formalities

  • Renew or apply for passports: You can renew your passport of Peru or apply for a new one if you’ve lost it while abroad.
  • Obtain visas and residency permits: Consulates can assist you in obtaining visas and residency permits for Peru to Arica.
  • Register births and marriages: If you have a child abroad or get married in a foreign country, the consulate of Peru in Arica can help you register these events.
  • Emergency assistance: This consulate of Peru provide assistance in emergencies such as detention, hospitalization, or loss of belongings in Arica.
  • Legalize documents: Consulate can authenticate documents like notarized powers of attorney or academic degrees for recognition in Peru.
  • Vote in elections of Peru: Some consulates allow citizens to vote in national elections while abroad.
  • Guidance and counseling: Consulates offer information on local laws, customs, medical services, and other aspects of life in Arica.
  • Certificates and document notarization: Consulate can issue certificates, authenticate documents, and perform notarial functions.
  • Repatriation in emergencies: In situations like natural disasters or conflicts, consulate can help citizens return to Peru.
  • Assistance in case of lost or stolen documents: If you lose your Peru passport or other vital documents, the consulate can assist in obtaining replacements and offer guidance.

Other consulates of Peru

Here is a list of other consulates of Peru.